Sunday, July 18, 2004

This is war

That is the first line from the "Art of War" from SunTzu. He wrote his book as a military text book, but it applies to life as many people would say. 
War can be any situation in life where you need to confornt the enemy. The enemy can be physcial or psychological.  It is the time when one needs to fight. You can do that by words, you can do that by fists, you can do that by any other means, but you have to fight, you do not have another option.
The war has started, in my mind at least. The war is being planned for, in my mind. What will be the outcome, who knows, there might be peace after it, there might be more bloodshed and heads on sticks. The next few months will tell who will win and who will lose. The ones who have to go through this will be surprised, then again they deserve it, about time they got some whoop ass.
To win, one has to have a strategy. The strategy must be based on wining at all costs, otherwise it is not worth fighting for. You only enter a war if you have what it takes and have the balls for it. For the females, it would be some other form of balls, but I am sure they can find something to get them going, after all they have estrogen, thats enough to make any man run away.
The question is, will this be the beginning or will it be the end? will this be a mini-war or a wide-scale war? Where should I stop?
I am known to be one who is committed to go to the end and sacrifice it all to get it done. If it means my demise, so be it, but at least I have the satisfaction of seeing my enemies defeated. Besides, my demise would be temporary, I will roar back like the lion I am. Never ever mess with a Leo, because a Leo will always win.
This is my war, this is my life, this is my blog, and dammit, its all mine!


Blogger Purgatory said...

Why does it have to be about work only? What about inner demons?

8:47 AM  
Blogger Purgatory said...

Yes and no.

5:41 PM  

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