The empty blog entry
The empty blog is a blog entry that does not exist. It is the opposite of a full blog entry. But,how can an entry not exist? Depends on which dimension you are thinking of. If you consider the entry not to exist in this dimension, lets call it dimension A, then it can exist in dimension B. By existing in dimension B, it does not exist in dimension A, because there has to be a balance. If it existed in dimensions A and B, then it would cause a temporal shift.
Continuing on the theme of time travel, dimensional worlds and parallel universes, have you ever tried astral projection? Astral projection is when your "soul" leaves your body and wanders. It can wander in the same dimension, but might end up in another dimension or time even. You should try it and see where it takes you.
Well I was trying to find the site which has a diagram which can make you start but I have had no luck, so I will try later.
Enjoy floating if you find it.
This is an empty blog.
Continuing on the theme of time travel, dimensional worlds and parallel universes, have you ever tried astral projection? Astral projection is when your "soul" leaves your body and wanders. It can wander in the same dimension, but might end up in another dimension or time even. You should try it and see where it takes you.
Well I was trying to find the site which has a diagram which can make you start but I have had no luck, so I will try later.
Enjoy floating if you find it.
This is an empty blog.
Hi there,
unusual blog :)
but it seems to me that you're contradicting yourself. You posit that X existing in universe A, cannot exist in parallel universe B, or else there would be an inbalance. But in that case, there can be no other parallel worlds because EVERYthing existing in this world would cancel out anything existing in that parallel world/worlds of which you speak...
But maybe there's some truth in what you say about another dimension (the 4th dimension perhaps?)...but, we'll probably only get there when we shuffle off this ol' mortal coil, 3ala golat Hamlet :P in layman's terms,ya3ni when we die.
So, this other dimension is called by Islamic theology al-Barzakh, and since people don't go straight to heaven or hell when they die, they wait around in al-Barzakh for the End of Time (also known as Judgement Day)and when I heard about this when I was a kid, I thought it was outrageously unfair to the ancient egyptians (I loved the ancient egyptians) and that it was unfair because they've been dead for ages and ages and they've been waiting a lot longer than people who die tomorrow, but I was assured that people who die don't feel the passage of time like we do. Of course at the time I thought "yeah right, easy for you to say, you're not an ancient egyptian", but then I thought about how I can't really tell how long I've been asleep when I'm asleep either, so, I guess it's true...
Hmmmm I wonder what existing without a sense of the passage of time would be like...must be cool...something like what a mountain feels like, except more so of course, because everything in this world is affected by the passage of time...
Gigi, musingly
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I am amazed someone else read my blog besides PSS, but maybe that is how you found it.
Before commenting on the first paragraph what you mention as al-barzakh is called purgatory, and my blog is beyond space and time, so that should make some sense about my writings.
As for the first part, you only refer to four dimensions, while there are nine. You should not confuse a dimension, with a parallel world.
A dimension is an extension to the current world but in another direction. In that direction, time and space exists in a different form than the current dimension. A parallel world is another world with an equal or sometimes non-equal number of dimensions to this one. In this world, you would have opposites to what you see in this world, or you can also have a totally different environment of similarities and differences. The simple case is parallel worlds A and B. A is this world and B is the opposite world.
Now, when I say that X exists in "dimension A" and not in "dimension B", this is all happening in one world. To have a balance in this world, there has to be contradictions in some of its dimensions, to get an overall balance. If X exists in all 9 dimensions, that would mean it would not exists in all 9 dimensions of world B. However, this is more complex to explain and would be harder to balance.
You should not confuse death and after-death experience with the dimensionality or parallelism of the universe. Saying that, we can also extend the same concepts mentioned above to include a parallel universe, so multiple dimensions in one world, with multiple parallel worlds and then multiple universes. You can see that this can extend beyond the grasp of anyone's imagination or understanding.
I did check the listing and the only way for her to come to my blog is through you or zaydoun.
Yes I am listed as "alternative"
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