I am
Palpatine A mastermind of maneuvering surrounding forces, you care little for the concerns of those in your way.
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Palpatine is a character in the Star Wars universe. The Star Wars Databank has his profile.
I was hitler; and now I am Yoda ???
walla ya sheikha :P?
hahahaha :p
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I see the crux of the problem. Dual Personality. Star Trek vs. Star Wars, oh dear oh dear oh dear. Do either have shower curtains???
The test I did, and Yoda I turned out to be!
unknown, nope, we shower in outer space with no boundaries, care to try?
Mac, yeah looks like your profile pic.
shosho, typical.
I'm Luke Skywalker!
Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny.
It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.
An accomplished diplomat who can virtually do no wrong (me??)
You sometimes know it is best to rely on the council of others while holding the reins.
I'm Jean Luc Picard from Star Treck.
I don't like him and therefore I don't like this post.
DR, what powers shorty?
shurouq, baldy :P
I'm a baldy too :(
And I don't like him.
Basically 'cause he's a baldy.
Hanan, I thought so :)
Who said I was short?!
DR, realisitic people are mostly short.
Shady, I think it fits.
Luke Skywalker :p
Ra-1, so TF would be your teacher.
hmm wasn't he in lords of the rings!
TF my teacher? layeg 3aleha :p
of course, she is yoda
Yes I'm your teacher... so tell me the rest of the story.
I hate to be
معلقه بنص السالفه
I'm tall! :P
wv: imrlik (la latmrly)
I AM abi wan kinobi o wa7ed Unagi Tamaki o kathir min il tobiko ma3alaik amir..
Dr la wallah 7alaft!
Mama you have to promise me that you'll never stop blogging.
I love ur comments!
DR, we shall see one day.
Mama, all done :)
I promise u, and I get sick of it, I'll hire some1 2 do it 4 me.
wv: aeauaig (A E A U A I G
A A A E B F G)
لقد عرفت من الجزء الاول للثلاثية الجديدة ان بالبوتين هو نفسه دارث سيدسوس زعيم الجانب المظلم من القوة
ومع الاسف رغم كل التقنيات والخدع تبقى الثلاثية القديمة أعمق وأجمل
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